Thursday, 28 February 2013

First meetings under way.

As we started the meeting, it came across as one of the main problems that people wanted to get sorted was, what engine are we going to use. We have the choice between UDK and Cry Engine.

Now as a group we have all had the same amount of experience of UDK, the basics of how to import and export. I think everyone is comfortable with this. But on the other hand with Cry Engine, none of us have any experience and it will all be down to our own research to make any progress in this. (Will this mean too much of our time will be taken up with basic cry engine research?)

Inspiration was a big part of the discussion and we asked what is the group interested in such as; games, films,  videos etc.
So we have set for the weekend, for the next meeting to come up with some moodboards and ideas to help find a theme for the building and what we find that could be fitting towards the building. Everything is to help push things along and in getting started.

The Library?
Whilst photographing the building, Maarten found that the university library is actually attached to the Queens building. Could this be part of our level? Or should we just for get about it and keep it separate.

Strengths and weaknesses.
We all have them and it seemed like a very good idea to get a general look at everyone's strengths and weaknesses, this can help through out the project by helping each other out. Hopefully if someone is finding something difficult they will speak up to the group as we are all in the same boat and help each other.

As we don't all live together and myself commutes to university we thought that creating a Facebook group would help with communicating outside of meetings. Also to help with files and everyone's work, Maarten came up with the idea that we all log into drop box. This is where we can upload all our work and everyone can see the progress and what we are all working on. Also it is a great way to keep back ups. Another positive about using Dropbox is if we forget our USB's we can log onto Dropbox on any computer and access our work, but aslong as we upload.

Tasks for the following meeting;

  • Think about inspiration
  • Have a look at both engine's and find out which one you prefer and why, have to give reason.
  • Sort Dropbox out
  • Make some quick sketches and concepts of ideas
  • Fill out strengths and weaknesses (these can be found in dropbox) 

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